“Director Kim Weild, the true star of this production, has taken a page out of Baz Luhrman’s book of directing to give us a visual hurricane of images. ”
“ director Kim Weild shows a distinct visual elegance in her staging and a capacity to regulate the many moving parts of the nimble 17-person ensemble.”
“this sensationally directed multi-media meditation on love will charm, entertain, and fully engage most audience members.”
“The real treat of the production was Kim Weild’s direction, full of gorgeous stage
compositions making full use of the Ohio’s deep playing space.”
“Fêtes de la Nuit, (or “Celebrations of the Night”) is a moveable feast of vignettes exploring the lives and loves of modern-day Parisians”
“She’s mastered the art of scene transitions sans blackouts, by way of intricate choreography and precise timing...It’s courageous, erotic and sensual and yet –brilliantly- the charge is never sexual.”
“the tango sequences are stunning, as are the movements of a trio of classical Graces — the collage moves with fluid grace.”